
How can i get in better shape??

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how can i get into better shape, with endurance and make my muscles more defined, i dont want my muscles bulky.... i am a girl 5'6 100lbs (yeah i know underweight) but i need to get in better running shape... Training for cross country... tips on that too =)




  1. run? i hated cross country in high school... the only thing you can do to practice is to run long distance more often. cardio and eating healthy are really the only two ways to get more defined. pushups, jumping jacks, jump rope

  2. Do short workouts that look something like this:

    Walk 4 min, run 1

    Walk 3 min, run 2

    Walk 2 min, run 3

    Walk 1 min, run 4

    And so on from there, until you can run the whole time. If these are too easy, increase the amout of minutes you run, and decrease the amount you walk.

    Train slowly, build up your stamina and endurance.

    Hope this helps, K

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