
How can i get in shape for basketball and volleyball?

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I'm 5'9 and a girl. i want to increase my vertical leap and my arm strength. i also want to get fit and have strong calves and arms. HELP Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. i would hit the gym for the arms and use the machines they have! also do a lot of push ups and pull ups to work on your arms! to work on your vertical hit a pool! the water gives a lot of resistance so it helps make your legs stronger and your vertical better!! Another thing to help increase speed is to run in a pool from side to side! its tiring at first but it helps!

  2. More than likely you'll have to run ALOT.

    You can build your arms by doing pushups and pull ups --try backward pushups (which are like regular pushups except you are facing the ceiling instead of the ground) to build your arms.

    Also try diamond pushups (just like regular pushups but you form your hands in the a-sign- something like the AKA sign or Jay-z's sign to do pushups.)

    For your legs you may have to run so you can build your stamina for when you're on the court. Warm up before and after running with some SIMPLE stretches ( I emphasize simple because sometimes people stretch too long or too deeply and end up hurting themselves.)

    Once you stretch you should be able to run faster and longer, which will tone you legs , but, and entire lower section.

    To ensure that you run at your best do ab exercises. It'll help you lift your legs higher when running and it will give you better stamina.

    These are all exercises you can do for free without a gym but if you want to use a gym you can do so also, the results should be about the same.

  3. i play them both too :D

    anyway you should do..

    1. 2 sets of 20 situps.

    2. 2 sets of 20 pushups.

    3. 3 sets of 30 wall jumps.

    4. if you have free wieghts...USE THEM.

    5. run,alot. start out with a 1/2 a mile,for maybe 3 days.then do 3/4 of a mile and then a mile and so on.

    6. wall sits. do 3 sets of 10 seconds,2 sets of 30 seconds,and one set of 1 minute.

    thats what i do,hope that helped :D

    good luck.

  4. You should do weight training, and try plyometrics. That is what my volleyball team does, and it really works!!!!

  5. You should also work out in the pool if you can.  Get chest deep in the water and crouch down and jump as high as you can.  The water will act as resistance for your jump and will also cushion your landings.  If you like swimming, the freestyle swimming stroke will help your spiking and your serving.  Again, the water will act as resistance and will strentghen your arms and shoulders.  And the freestyle stroke is very similar to your overhand serve and spike.

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