
How can i get into a fixed combination lock with out knowing the combo?

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i got this suitcase second hand and i can't get into it.




  1. Look at the numbers carefully; the correct numbers have been used a lot so are often dirty.

  2. Either do what john i says or jemmy it open with large s***w driver. Suit case locks aren't that strong

  3. Most combi locks on suitcases are not very sophisticated. If you're lucky, yours will be one of them. To break in, you need patience and good sense of touch (I used to have them and could open most). Twiddle the dials starting with the one nearest to the edge, till you feel a click. Then go to the next to it and do the same. All the time, putting a gentle pressure on the lock to open. You should hit on the right combi in time...let's see, now is Monday...

  4. Spend ages starting with 0 0 0 and going up 1 by 1, e.g. 001, 0002 have 999 combinations on each lock and hopefully you will reach the correct combination before 999

  5. Use blot cutters on the lock!

  6. Most suitcases come with a default setting of 000 or 111 etc so try those combinations first.....if not then no way other than to try all the combinations....who did you get it off? Do they have the combination, although I suspect you would have already done that if you knew them.....good luck.

  7. If we all knew that the locks would be pointless would'nt they?

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