
How can i get into habit of eating breakfast again?

by  |  earlier

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its summer and ive not been getting up until like 12 mid-day and we have lunch around then so Ive been missing breakfast. how can i get back into the habit of eating breakfast for school?




  1. Go to bed earlier and get up sooner. Have or ask to have things that you enjoy eating for breakfast available. A few pieces of fruit on a bowl of cereal always entice me into sitting down and having breakfast

  2. prepare your breakfast before you go to bed at night. Have your cereal and a bowl and spoon out and wake up earlier. This makes it easier to have because you don't say to yourself 'oh i can't be bothered having breakfast'. And buy something exciting for breakfast.,

  3. Try to wake up earlier and not to over-sleep. Then, u'll be awake on time for breakfast.

  4. exercise a lot and move around during the day. tire yourself out so you can go to sleep earlier. get in bed earlier each day, and set your alarm to go off about 30 minutes earlier each day.

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