
How can i get into photo shoot modelling???

by  |  earlier

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ok i am 16, 17 in november, and all ive ever really wanted to be is a photo shoot model, i don't want to be on the cat walk or anything like that, i want to earn good money, i am average height i think about 5 ft 7 something,i have very long dark hair, i get compliments on my looks ALOT..BUT i am not really skinny i have thin legs but i have a little bit of a stomach i don't have real big b***s and i have a little fat on the top of my arms, my dad keeps telling me i should get into being a photo shoot model, but i have no idea how to, where to go and what to do??

also i am a little shy because i don't have much confidence at all as i am a bit insecure, but i really want to be a photo shoot model really bad!! how can i do this? please help

9 minutes ago -




  1. There's wanting and there's would like to be. If you lack confidence, then it will show in the shoot which, they're not going to like. The lack of confidence is usually the lack of knowledge. Go to a good modeling school. Work out diligently to build your body. It is a matter of how bad you want it. Have an idea about the business, so you don't go there blind.

  2. start with a profile on or or

    its all about having a marketable look. if youve got it the work will find you but you also have to learn how to promote and market yourself.

  3. get more confidence.. you will get critized in the fashion world, a lot.

    hire someone to take photos of you to make a portfolio. and then get in contact with some agencies.

    you can find a lot of them on you can also just make a profile there..i dont know what the success rate is for people who mate profiles theres though! good luck:)

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