
How can i get legal guidance on how to bring a person from another country, like Cuba in this case to Canada?

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i have recently learned that the embassies in Cuba have opened and that no longer do you need permission from the country to travel. I live here in the U.S but i would like to know how or who can help me to figure out how to bring my family in Cuba to Canada. if not a how, maybe who can i go to to guide me through what i would need to do.




  1. It's not a crime to want to bring your family to Canada.  I would say check out immigration lawyers. They usually offer consultations or at least will answer a couple questions without charging you. Just google immigration lawyers in your area. Good luck!

  2. Delete your question.  You should not ask for help commiting crimes on public forums.

  3. your Cuban family can Visit Canada with passports and proper visitors visa, but they can't enter the country and intend to stay.

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