
How can i get legal help legal aid cant help i cant afford a lawyer?

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My grandson was born 2 months ago his father is very abuseive the babys mother got a protection order for her and the baby. She recantly got it droped and went back with him children services is involved in this also they told her we were trying to seek custity of him now we cant see him unless we take her to court we have a good case but cant afford a lawyer is there a way for us to get a lawyer.Please help us out we cant live knowing our grandson is in danger.




  1. normally there are towns with a lawyer who help people with little cash or no cash till they win the case.

    your most likely able to find one online or phone book

    question and hope it works out

  2. I suggest calling up your local court house, explaining the situation and asking for a laywer. I am pretty sure they have legal aids and social workers that will help you in the case.

    You can also call up Child Protective Services. They will be extremely concerned if a child is in danger. They will go investigate the abusive father and put the baby into foster care. Once the baby is in foster care, you will be able to adopt the baby since it goes to the next immediate relative that is not a threat to the child. There are all kinds of free legal aids available if you just ask around. Call up the local court house, the cops, etc. They will direct you to the exact person that you need to speak with.

    Also, you can simply represent yourself. You don't always need a lawyer, the contitution gives people the right to represent themselves if they wish.

  3. Just get a public defender.

  4. There is a nonprofit group, FOCUS for our children and us. They are a paralegal group that helps grandparents in these matters. Find a local group or try a hot line in your area, FOCUS is a NY based org that might know of your local group. NYC phone 212.693.1655

    Google "grandparents rights org" There are offices in all the states states and orgs in Canada and the UK. try asking at libraries,  local hotlines, self help clearinghouses and family court intake offices. There is a lot of help out there if you just keep looking and don't get discouraged. Best wishes and success in your battle.

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