
How can i get lighter skin?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm scene. and I find that whiter skin

is more attractive, and I just like whiter skin

no offense to african americans! It's just me


anybody got tips on how i can make

my skin tone a pale white color without

side effects?

Please help!!






  1. sunscreen. red or black hair. and use face powder- it will lighten up your skin color considerably.  

  2. two words: lemon juice.(every night)

  3. Stay out of the sun.  Always wear sunscreen.  Dye your hair black or red, that usually makes your skin look paler.  

  4. reduce the amount of sun that you are soaking up.

  5. go hide in a dark hole for 10000 years.

  6. i absulotly adore tan color skin like italian.

    stay out of the sun as much as you can and well your skin isnt gonna get to light but good luck

  7. I&#039;ve heard people around the world like the phillipines takes lightening pills.

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