
How can i get mail from colleges?

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im a sophomore in high school and i want to start getting brochures and letters and thigs like that in the mail from colleges. is there a website that i can go to to sign me up for something like that? i'd prefer getting things in the actual mail...not email.

i tried looking on but that site only sends you stuff through email.

soo does anyone know where i can sign up?




  1. I would talk to your guidance counselor at your school.  They are an amazing resource when it comes to that stuff!  :)

    On-line, I would go directly to the sites of school's I was interested in.  You can request literature directly from them.

  2. You can go to specific schools and ask for brochures. THere isn't a way to ask all of them though. You will probably end up on some lists even if you don't try. If you take the PSATs and fill out everything they ask for, you will probably start getting mailings from at least a few schools.

  3. if you are interested in a particular college, just go to their website or if you dont know it, google the college...once you are at the website, there should be instructions or contact info on requesting more info for the that college...hope this helps

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