I'm going to be a junior starting this fall. My mother is not working at this momment and my father is making good money. I'm only 16 and I have sent in many applications for jobs, but they have not responded back to me. It sucks being my age with no work experience. The economy is in such a bad state that they won't hire me, because im not 17 yet. I applied to the jobs who said they are taking 16 year olds and up. I do not want to do loans, because I don't know how i could pay them back after college. Is there any free money out there that they will give to people like me? What about scholoarships? I Just want to be a foot doctor, because I did some research and they make lots of money. I really don't want to do a four year college, because I feel that its a waste of time and money. I'm looking for a 2year college that specializes in that area also. Can you help me out please?