
How can i get more accurate when i throw a frisbee?

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Ive been playing ultimate Frisbee for about two years now and can throw backhands and forehands. Im just not very accurate. I can catch mostly any pass that comes to me so im usually the one that gets the Frisbee on passes. the problem is after i catch it, i cant get the frisbee going to anyone else (except on some occasions). any advice.




  1. May sound obvious, but.... practice. Go out to a park with a buddy and find your groove. Make a game of it... see if you can get the disc to your partner without them moving a step. Personally I always have to start off with lots of long throws before I start short but that's just me.

    Also.... visualize. Might sound hokey but try it. When you are heading out for a game or just to toss, before you ever touch plastic; go through all your throws in your mind multiple times. It's odd but it makes a huge difference for me. My guess is, however, that this will only work well after you have found your groove... don't want to reinforce bad habits :-)

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