
How can i get more confidence?

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I'm 16, girl. 140 pounds and 5'5.

I used to go to the gym this year with my mom, but we sadly i had to cancel it. I went down from 160 pounds to 140.

I ask seriously, everyone if i'm fat. My Dad, some of my friends. Or i'll be like "i'm fat.." all day.

I always feel fat after supper, and when my stomach sticks out. I have stretch marks on my inner legs and my side of my stomach. It's gross.

I want confidence like somebody like Miley Cyrus, shes always smiley. i get mad VERY easily in public..

how can i gain some? thanks!




  1. start a healthy lifestyle, and do things u love doing. also take time in the day 2-5 minutes to just tell yourself how beautiful you are (even if u don't feel beautiful at the moment) this can really help u feel happier and more confident

    p.s. don't compare urself to models or celebrities they are probably alot less confident then they seem to be

  2. Talk to everyone like your friends and family.And,don't care what other people think of you.

    About the weight,you don't need a gym to stay in shape,you could buy a tred mill and jog on it(Or just jog in place).Remember,appearance isn't everything.

    For the anger issue,you should talk to your school school cousellor,and she might suggest Anger Management Classes if it's really bad.

    I stutter when I speak so speaking infront of a large audience is hard,so I just remember the saying "What dosn't kill you,makes you stronger"

  3. Everyone is beautiful in there own wayy...

    Exercise and smile and keep your head up high!!

    we dont know if she is always smiley becuz we never met her....

  4. exercise! and just know that God made everyone beautiful!

    also it will help your self esteem if you stop complaining all the time!

  5. to h**l with what people think of you, life is far too short, get out there and do something that intrests you, if someone calls you fat, tell em to f off!!

  6. First, congrats on the weight loss! That's wonderful. Not everyone can lose twenty pounds. You should be proud of yourself just for that.

    Everyone's not shaped the same, and thank goodness for that. A good way to start gaining confidence is to look in the mirror and say something about yourself that you like. Try to overlook the things you don't like (I hate my hair for example, but when I look in the mirror I find that I really like the shape of my eyes.) .

    You'll start feeling a lot better about yourself and it'll show.

  7. I'm afraid to say but what 16 year old girl doesn't think that they have weight problems or what woman doesn't have weight issues for that matter?

    Everyone is beautiful and unfortunitley it's society that has put dampners on us women. When we look at the TV we see perfect little size zero's which aren't natural. You're natural hun and don't let anyone tell you any different.

    If your feelings don't change then please visit a counsiller who will help with your anxieties. x*x

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