
How can i get more distance on my golf shots?

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i was just wondering how to improve my golf game




  1. When i need to put a little more mustard on a shot i try to get my wrists ****** a little more on the back swing and unload them on impact. Keep your swing smooth and fire your hips thru on impact.

  2. matt right  four years ago I was hitting 175 yard drive now 250

  3. grip it and rip it

  4. its all about the SWING. remember that its not a hit. think of it as if the ball was getting in the way of your swing. remember to continuously look at the ball. Dont lift your head early, YOU WILL TOP IT!  and the clubs, balls, and etc.

    but the form is the most important thing. remember that

  5. The colder golf balls are the further they shoot.

  6. I Love golf, keep practicing . Its the best sport ever

  7. Assuming you have a decent golf swing, tempo is key.  A key thought is to swing within yourself.  If you dont swing in balance power is lost at impact.  Sounds crazy but to hit it farther, swing slower.

  8. Just keep in mind. Form leads to power. In golf, tennis and many other sports, using the correct form in your shots rather than trying to hit it hard, will end up in much more successful strokes.

  9. Good Grip (not to strong/not to weak)

    Good Ball Placement (depends on which club you are hitting)

    Good Tempo (harder doesn't mean farther or more straight)

    It's also important to have the right equipment. Especially with golf there are lots of factors that go into a set of clubs for a golfer. I would recommend that you get professionally fitted for a set of clubs. You don't even have to get a new set, you can have an existing set modified to your measurements. Check with a local proshop for more information. The club pro will be able to help.

    Good Luck on the Links!


  10. on impact, try shifting your wait forward and keep your hands in front of the ball. this will pinch the ball and keep it lower so not only will you hit it farther, you will also hit it lower and get roll and you will get more spin. Sergio is great at it.

  11. practice and building strength

  12. Hands in front of the club,.

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