
How can i get motivated to do my coursework and revision?

by  |  earlier

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I am supposed to be doing coursework and revision in the holidays yet when i start doing the work i get overwhelmed by the amount of work i have to do and end up doing something different. Please help?




  1. Well you could schedule your time and days to how much work you do and what work you do in the day?

    Like you could say:

    Monday - Tech - 3.00pm-4.00pm.

    Something like that? Might make it easier.

    And make sure you're in a room without anything to distract you.

  2. Honestly, there's no way unless you want to do it. I learned that the hard way (I flunked out of college). I did try some things though like: rewarding myself once I was done, breaking the work into pieces, and trying to make it interesting. Anyway, I hope you have more luck than I did.

  3. Its called eating elephants :)

    You couldn't eat a whole elepahant in one go so you have to cut it up into portions and eventually you will have consumed the whole thing.

    As crazy as this may sound, revision can actually be fun and you CAN have a good time doing it if you begin with some interesting topics to get yourself started.  Do things you're interested at first and do them small ammounts at a time, testing yourself regularly on what you've learnt. Get into a routine.

    As for coursework, it is boring but take your time and don't rush and at the end show your friends and parents and see how you feel when they're are impressed and proud that you've done a great peice of work.

    Hope this helps :)

  4. Just do it.

  5. hey! dont do ur course work!

    so what if that will help u in future, so what if by doing that u can earn praise and make ur parents proud, just roam around!

    so what if that will make your life cool?

    u r not smart enough to do that, so waste time!

    i think u must be motivated by now!

  6. just do it otherwise you'll end up poor and undereducated like me wishing i just would have sucked it up and did what i had to do. now i have 3 kids a dog cat and a husband who is like a child. help my life sucks and yours will too if you dont do your work

  7. Set yourself deadlines of what you want to do within a piece of coursework for when, if you plan it right you will keep on top of it whilst not getting to bored of it

  8. set up a timetable with breaks and just do it! Think about the rewards of all the hardowrk!

  9. Go for a walk around ASDA or LIDL and see what you will become if you end up without any qualifications or future.

  10. Get orf here for a start old chap

  11. I had the same problem as you and sometimes kind of still do.  I get distracted easily with others things like making a Blog etc but to get motivated I think that all of this work that I do now will help me later on in life.  It will also help me in the near future.  Say I need a reference from my teacher to get into say, college.  They will write a super good one if I have worked really hard on it, got great results in my tests from revising and met the deadlines for the coursework.

    That is what I think and it gets me motivated.

  12. get off yahoo! answers and get back to work

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