
How can i get my 14 month old to sleep in his own bed?

by  |  earlier

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my son is 14 months old...i do a bedtime 8 he has his pedisure ( doc prescribed ) & let him watch tv til he falls asleep...then i take him upstairs & put him in his own bed...every early mornin around 3-3:30 AM he wakes up cryin/screamin...i then bring him in our room & comfort him til he falls back asleep then put him back in his bed...then in an hour he wakes back up...the same thing over then im so tired cuz of it bein so early that i just let him sleep with us...i kno that is bad to do but idk what else to do to keep him asleep...does anyone have any suggestions? i would rather not be criticized...i am aware that its not good to let ur child sleep with just askin for some suggestions...thanks...




  1. oh well ur just going to have to show tough love. like be very strict on him now or else in the future it will get even worse.  

  2. If were you put him to bed at his bedtime, and maybe have him really tired before then, a nice bath,hot chocolate, warm milk. Maybe a short little bedtime story,sing to him until he falls asleep.

    If I were you I would lay off the T.V. for a while, he should sleep soundly, and if he wakes up then sooth him and maybe give him one of his stuffies, quietly talk to him and tell him that you have to leave. After a while the baby will stop crying, it wants your attention maybe give it a bottle or something then it'll quiet down. Just come to the baby once and don't come again, then after a while the baby will give up.

  3. you shouldn't let him fall asleep in front of the tv. When it's bedtime it's time to be in his bed. He needs to realise that that is where he should be. Other than that you are going to have to tough it out until you both get used to the new routine. Good luck.

    PS the same with any other routines - start as you mean to go on. As you've discovered trying a short cut is harder work in the long run.

  4. let him scream it out. if need be, comfort him, but remain in the room. don't let him fall asleep anywhere except his bed from now on.

  5. try going in  his room and sit in a chair in his room and say   "baby its ok go to sleep im rite here"   and sit in the chair for a little bit.. try not to bring him in your room because he will get used to being in there and want to be with you all the time

    hope i helped

  6. Put your son back in his bed, anytime he comes to yours

    It will only take a few nights before he gives up and stays in his bed

    If you are not consistent, YOU LOSE!

  7. turn a radio on while he sleeps. give him a stuffed animal to sleep with. take a blanket or 2 sleep with them so u get ur sent on them and the let him sleep with them. good luck

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