
How can i get my 2 year old boxer to eat?

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my husband applied sargents flea medicine(the kind u apply on the back) and he rubbed it down his back and i think my dog licked the medicine and now he wont eat and he is drinking lots of water then vomiting afterwards..the vet gave him fluid but wants to run tests that will cost over $500 just to figure out what is wrong(not including meds if any are needed)..what can i do?




  1. Pets are expensive and unexpect things like this can happen at anytime. Take the advise of the vet and have the tests run to see if the medication did some serious damage. The flea/heartworm meds you buy over the counter don't have to be monitored by the FDA like the med the vets supply

  2. Listen to your vet. Pets can be very expensive, but after all they are just like children, they can't depend on anyone but their owners. It's a shame that the best flea medicines can do so much harm at the same time. I hope everything goes well. You can try giving the dog different kinds of cold cuts, see if anything sparks an interest, even if only a little.

  3. Dear Brandy B. From what you describe this seems to happen more often to the noble Boxer and other short hair canines.....when using this toxic pest control method.Frontline and sim.products are not safe and if not for the $$$$$ spent by the manuf. of such,would never have remained on market.After lengthly tests on these products the results show an increase in liver,kidney and lymph cancers.But not to worry as these are prelim.findings and related to continued use.If they are so safe why do all pet pros. require gloves when applying? And some pet pros. even ask if pet had been treated recently even if only to do an exam!.Back to your beloved Boxer...if pet had indeed ingested toxic than from what you have described, the worst has passed. Pet has purged most of POISON.Any residual will also pass.If toxics had done any serious damage,first sign of such would most likely have pet staggering and some paral. in hind quarters.You can encourage pet to drink more fluids by giving pet LOW sodium chicken broth. Mix with water(slightly warmed will expedite toxics via stoole) In the future Brandy if you have an infestation problem,powdered 7 dust. The same is sold as flea and tick powder...3-4 oz for $4.00.The exact same is sold in the garden ctr. of WalMart/KMart as powdered 7 dust 4lbs. for $5.00. Same safe product that you can use up to the day of harvest on fruit & vegs.You can use this on pets bedding and even in your home.And if pet does ingest harm. Well Brandy, hope this was of some use.Good Luck and you and husband give your girl a hug and pat for me.

  4. thats terrible flea stuff so is hartz . get some thing from your vet and . now you need to take to the vet because he has been poisoned by the one he licked if it was on the top  shoulder blades he should not of been able to reach it  

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