
How can i get my 2 year old naughtiest daughter to become a disciplined one?

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she has made my life misereble because of her mischives. sometimes i enjoy it but this is a source of trouble 4 my joint family. please HELP. please email me on




  1. call SUPERNANNY!  

  2. put her up for adoption.

  3. I know what MY MOM would have done... but if you did that, you'd get nailed by child protection agencies before it did any good.

    Try the old Time-Out... I'm skeptical, but some say it works.

  4. Maybe you are giving her confusing message, you are showing you enjoy her mischiefs sometime.  To children is best there is one message. Sometime children just do what they think parent want.

  5. Ever heard of the "terrible two's" ??? It passes. And all too quickly.

    She's still a baby.  If you're having serious issues with her, then you need to consult a professional. Otherwise, it's just a passage.

  6. All 2 year olds are mischievous... at that age they like to test their boundaries

  7. Usually when a two year old is acting out it is because something is wrong, maybe she is miserable. Children don't have the words to express how they feel so they act out. If you are miserable, she will sense it and act the same. Maybe you should take a parenting class or see a child physcologist for some help. Another thing to remeber is children don't like change, if this is a new family for her she may be feeling frustrated about the change, try spending some quality time with her, she may be bored, play with her, take her to the park. You are the adult, and you have to try to help her.

    You can also practice time outs. She is two so two minutes per time out. Children that age don't have the capacity to really know right from wrong, you have to teach her, tell her calmly what she is doing wrong, ask her to say she is sorry. This will give you time to breath and give her time to think about what she did.

  8. have you ever heard of 'terrible twos'? many two year old go through this stage but you want to make sure it doesn't continue.. you have got to put your foot down and not let her get away with doing wrong..she will likely grow out of it but just make sure she knows right from wrong and that with every wrong comes a consequence.. just don't be too harsh but make sure she listens and respects you so her bad habits don't stick.. but still remember she is growing and learning too.

  9. You need to lay down the law and punish her when she does bad things. Put her in time out or take away something of hers for a week when she's bad.

    Don't yell or spank though that just makes them hate you and not want to listen to you. So be calm but stern.

  10. give her a punishment that she will not forget. like if she really likes her barbies then take away her barbies.  

  11. Always get down to her level and have her looking into your eyes before you talk to her. If she is not looking at you, be firm and repeat 'look at me'. Don't raise your voice, keep it firm and repeat yourself, that way she will know that YOU are in control and you mean business. If she still acts out then sit her on time out for 2 minutes, and just keep putting her there until she stays. We have a red mat that is just a cheap IKEA bathroom mat for time out, we call it the thinking spot. After she has sat still for 2 minutes make sure she looks at you and then tell her why you are unhappy with her behaviour, explain what was wrong and why, but don't say she is naughty, just her behaviour is naughty. Tell her that behaviour makes you unhappy, if she can then ask her to say sorry, if not she can give you a hug or both if you prefure. Praise her if she goes and starts being good, for example 'I like it when you play nicely....' When I am out with my 2 year old I always let her take a toy that she can carry if she is a good girl. When she stops listening to me the toy goes in the bag and carry her for two minutes, I then do the timeout routine and when she says sorry I give her the toy back. It sounds like you are suffering from having an intelligent little girl who knows which buttons to press. Good luck

  12. She's two, so it's perfectly normal to act this way. But to maintain order you need to talk to her seriously and firmly, but don't yell. If you've been giggling at her mischieves it's going to be hard to turn her around, because she already thinks it's ok to act this way. If she acts up, tell her well that wasn't nice, would you like to say sorry. Also a good thing to have is a chart, give a sticker on the chart for everytime she cleans her toys, or does something good. If she does act up and doesn't want to do what you told her, tell her she can go in her 'safe place' which is a nice way of saying time out. A time out for a two year old should be 2 mins and not longer. I hope this helps.  

  13. You said it all with "sometimes I enjoy it".  You have created a monster now you want her tamed.

    You will have to discipline the child........PERIOD.  Get ready for some tears and sheer h**l in the house until she learns she can't act that way.  You have to decide if you want a little tyrant that will only turn into an adult delinquent or if you want to change the behavior of a spoiled brat and turn her into the loving nice little girl she should be.  If you want the nice little girl, you have to discipline NO MATTER WHAT- if you say no, mean it!!  If you tell her to do something.........MAKE HER DO IT - RIGHT THEN- no if's and's or but's......If she does something mean to another person in the household.... deal with it... right then- no excuses and make her apologize.  Don't be afraid to spank that behind either.  Notice I said spank and not beat (especially out of anger).  If you can't do that- get some counseling to help you deal with the child.  You have to discipline the child right now or she could end up beating you later.  If she has the word "no" in her vocabulary, I'm sure she's probably hitting and/ or biting when she doesn't like something.  You may think it's cute now but It won't be cute  when she's grown beating you- running all over you and disrupting your household. Get control of your daughter NOW please.

  14. adoption

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