
How can i get my 4 yr old son to wipe his butt? he starts school soon and I'm worried.?

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How can i get my 4 yr old son to wipe his butt? he starts school soon and I'm worried.?




  1. Tell him after he does his business to take toilet paper and wipe his self  twice with a different piece of paper and put it in the toilet and flush and wash his hands.

  2. My son went to school at age 4 and he refused to wipe his butt. He turns 5 in 2 weeks and I have finally accomplished this task. I told him when he goes back to school, if he has to go #2 no one would be there to wipe for him, I also told him that all 5 yr olds wipe their own butts, I referred to his friends wiping their own butts, then I got him pumped up about it, and told him its something he'll have to do for the rest of his life. I showed him how to do it, them told him sometimes moms are too busy to come right away and wipe, so there fore he had to start doing it himself(that was just the pep talk).

    The next time he went #2 he called for me and I just didnt come. I left him in the bathroom... the next thing I know, he came out with a big smile. He told me he finally wiped! So of course then you have to make a huge deal outta this too! I did the poo poo dance, we high fived and lots of hugs!

    I really hope this helps you coz it workde for me

    good luck

  3. Try to make it a non-issue, but gently explain to him that you'll wipe his bottom together, so he knows when he does a good job.  Give him lots of love and attention.  Lots of children don't like wiping as they don't understand how it's necessary and it might be difficult for them.

  4. My sister is going through the same issue with her 6 year old!!!

    She hasn't figured out a way... sorry.

  5. if he goes #2 tell him he needs to wipe until the toilet paper is all white- p**p-free... that is what i did with my daughter and all my friends have done that with their kids and it worked.

  6. my friends 4 year old son refused to wipe his butt and she said well when u go to school i won't be there to help u, and the teacher wont help u! also you can try kandoo wipes. they are "big kid" wipes that make it a little easier. I know its hard but keep trying! hope i helped a little!

  7. you have wipe them until they are seven.

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