
How can i get my 51/2 year old daughter to stay in her bed?

by  |  earlier

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Almost every night it's a fight. She watches a movie and is suppost to fall asleep, but that only happens when she is really tired. When it goes off she cries that she's scared. Sometimes she is and we comfort her, but most of the time she uses that to get in our bed! We've tried laying by her, but after she falls asleep for an hour or so she still comes in our bed. We are not getting enough sleep & neither is she. School is starting soon and her going to bed at 10:30 or 11 and getting up at 6:00 is not healthy. (I put her in her room @ 8:00 with the door open & my room is beside hers with my door open.) Please HELP!




  1. just be consistant.  when she gets up, tell her to go back to her own room.  maybe give her a small stuffed animal and put a low lighting night light in her room.

  2. call nanny 911! or just watch the show thursday nights on cmt. lots of families have this problem and there is lots of great tips on the show!!

    good luck!

  3. This is what I did for my son. He sleeped him the same bed as i did for 4 1/2 years. He didn't sleep throw the night until about 9 months ago and he is 6 1/2 now. I let him watch tv for a half hour, i set the tv to go off with the timer. I have two night lights and I do the monster check with him.I give him a kiss good night and tell him that I love him. I don't close my door or his door. I mean it will be hard the first couple of days but you can't have her sleep with you know matter how much she cries. I know it is hard to hear your child cry ing but it will get better with time. I hope this help you.

  4. oh my lord...

    well when i was little i remember growing out of it but maybe a nightlight,bears,a pet dog or cat(something cuddly),or a brand new pair of bed sheets will do the trick. you have to get her interested in being in her own bed,you can also try a chart...for every 3 days she stays in her own bed she gets a special prize(toy,candy,deserts,or even a day out with one of you guys) she needs to have a motive to be in her bed.

  5. Try to get rid of all her energy during the day. Like play with her and make her tired so when it comes to eight she would be to tired to get up.

  6. It sounds like you give in too easily, and fall for her crying.   She is set in a rut, familiar with getting her way.  It is going to be tough to get her out of it, but stick to your guns and it will eventually work out...just my 2 cents

  7. Mamadamus says STOP letting her sleep in your bed. Mamadamus says tough love is the only answer. Mamadamus says shut her door and let her scream and cry and protest. Mamadamus says she will eventually fall asleep from exhaustion. Mamadamus says you will have to do this for several days before your child realizes you are NOT going to cave in to her wishes. Mamadamus reminds you that you are the parent and she is the child. Mamadamus says it is hard to let them cry themselves to sleep, but Mamadamus also says you're giving her mixed messages by letthing her sleep in your bed, and by letting her watch movies to fall asleep. Mamadamus says you must be exhausted!

  8. Take the television OUT Of her bedroom to begin with.  It has been proven that children who watch television before bed have problems sleeping.  They wind up with sleep disorders/sleep deprivation which presents in crankyness, trouble in school even falling asleep in school.  YOU have caused the problem by allowing her to have a television in her room to begin with.  There should be NO television at least a half hour before bedtime.  The bedroom is a place for relaxation, rest, reflection and sleep ...NOT a place for the IDIOT BOX.

  9. My little sister who's 6 only sleeps alone when she's at my house. *i'm much older than her* anyways we go threw similar things, she cries and whines that she's scared. I finally put my foot down one night and told her that she had to sleep in her bed, no ifs ands or buts about it! I put her in bed, gave her a kiss told her i loved her, we said her prayers and i walked out of the room, I left the door open and the hall light on.  I stood at the top of the stairs for a few minutes where she couldn't see me. At first she came out, and I walked her back in and put her back to bed. After a few times of repeating this routine she just said from bed "are you there?" when I didn't answer she assumed that I had gone to bed or downstairs and didn't get back up or make a fuss. It's gunna take time to get her to stay there, but just be firm and don't give in.  Hope it helps!

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