
How can i get my Parakeets to SHUT UP!!!!!?

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one of them is basically screaming every time the other one chirps!!! Its so annoying!!!

I just got these birds a few days ago so I don't know too much about birds. Also, I believe they are both males because their cheeks are blue.





  1. i dk give it food or somethig. maybe they just dont like each other so try separating them or something

  2. You can always put a dark cloth over their cage to quiet them down, but you obviously can't keep them like this all the time.  There are plenty of books about parakeets that would be great sources for information.  Also, don't forget to talk to the vet about any questions you might have.

    Generally, it is best to do research about an animal before you get one.

  3. how bout you get them some new toys or make some give them ur hair scrunchy to chew on or cut up a shirt n into 2 little pieces n make a knot in the middle.. they might be bored u know. or their still trying to get used to their new home. so they might be scared of too much noise or too much movement... i wouldnt suggest that you cover them up during the day and then at night they wont sleep when u want to. so as a parakeet owner i know what ur going through and i suggest that you get them some toys and if their wings are clipped let them out of the cage they'll juts sit on the top chewing on toys its actually cute.


  4. put a blanket over the cage. it tricks them into thinking that it is night time and time to sleep.

  5. What did you think birds would do when you got them?  My advice:  get rid of it so someone more knowledgeable can take care of it.  :)

  6. At night, cover the cage with a blanket or something. Not too heavy, but so they know to chill out!! Haha. Also always make sure they have food and water, because maybe that's why they are making noise. Best of luck!!

  7. i would separate them or just wait tell they become friends

  8. The way you tell if you have a male or female is to look at the area where their nose holes are. If it is a dark blue color, then they are males, if it is a light beige/lt purple, then female.

    Do they have a lot of toys? I recommend buying a parakeet book because you will run into many things where you are going to have a lot of questions. I agree with the guy above, please give them to someone that knows something about birds cause chances are not giving them everything they need. They do get loud, that is how birds are!

  9. whats happening is they are probably trying to get your attention. just ignore them and dont let them see you walking over to a ringing telephone or say, a ringing microwave because they see  that that noise is making you approach the object. so they are trying to immatate the telephone or such to get your attention. its normal for them. but just do what i told you above and in time they'll learn.

  10. lol, our parakeet doesn't shut up either, try putting a cover over the cage at really calms our birds down :)

  11. OMG i know where your coming from! Mine don't shut up either..Haha...I just cover the cage with a towel or blanket and then they get quiet..Haha Good Luck!

  12. Try separating them. They might not like each other.

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