
How can i get my bearded dragon to eat?

by  |  earlier

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he wont eat his veggies or anything but crickets and meal worms.

i just prepared a bunch of stuff, like cantelope, pineapple, greens and tomatoes and he wont touch it, how can i get him to eat?




  1. Most reptiles don't eat food that isn't alive so go to your local pet store and ask them what food is the best if they give you flakes ask for live food. Crickets do very nicely. Though get the right size cricket. and make sure you get the packet where they already have the food for the crickets.  

  2. try flowers and greens. like mustard greens and collard greens.  Slice an orange into very small pieces and toss it with the greens.  dandelions and its leaves are good.  Go to this web site it will give you everything you can possibly feed to them you will be surprised at how much is in your backyard. make sure it is pesticide free. you can ask questions on this site if you have some it is excellent. go to you will get all your answers

  3. he's only supposed to eat mealworms and crickets.  

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