
How can i get my body ready and be able to run faster?

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guys my ship date is getting alot closer OCT 7th my running is ok and im still a bit nervous about it . help me out i need advice on how to get myself ready nd conditioned for all the running im gonna be doing




  1. Easy mate.

    Improve Your Running By Doing It.

    Run A Minimum Of 5 Nights A Week, To A Minimum Of A Mile & A Half.

    Really Push Yourself, Its All In Your Head Bruv.

    A Good Tip That i Use, If You Have Lamposts Runnning Down One Side Of The Street, Sprint From One To The Other Jog To The Next, Sprint To The Next Etc, Good Exercise & Really Works You.

    Hope It Helped Mate.

  2. Take a look at the site below, it will give you all the details you need to run faster

  3. Endurance Endurance Endurance!!! you must continue with your cardio exercises in order to condition your body. You can also do cycling, swimming, jogging, dog walking/running.

  4. steroids work ask roger clemens

  5. Cool! I"m really glad that you're a runner.

    If you're really serious about running follow these techniques if not, forget them..

    Day one: Run mile warm-up, stretch, run 6, 800 meter repeats. Run miles cool down and stretch.

    Day two:  run a mile and a half, stretch, do your own cardio work-out, do 4, 100meter strides, (sprint 100 meters, walk 100 meters.) Run 1.5 miles cooldown, stretch

    Day three: run an easy 4-8 miles. (Depends on how advanced you are.)

    Day four: do the same as day 3

    Day five: Run a race pace 5k or a 10k

    HOpe this helped a bit!

  6. PRACTICEPRACTICEPRACTICE! well i think you should probably do jumprope,suisiceds and swimming,mostly cardio =]

    hope i helped

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