
How can i get my boyfriend to quit smoking weed?

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My boyfriend smokes weed all the time, mainly after work in the afternoon. He didn't smoke it when we met over 2 years ago and started going out, but during our relationship it has become pretty bad. I feel like it has changed his personality, he goes through stages where he doesn't do it as much but then goes back to the way he was (smoking every day). I have tried so hard to get him to stop, but have failed. Please help, I love him too much to leave him.




  1. You can't.  If he didn't want to smoke the stuff, he wouldn't.  Your best bet is to change boy friends and find one who does not do the stuff.

      That's not the answer you wanted but we live under a great misunderstanding that if we want something badly enough, it will happen.  If wishes were horses, beggars would ride comes to mind.    

  2. Look, the bottom line is you can't change someone. My brother had a girlfriend he quit smoking weed for. As soon as they broke up, he started doing coke and ecstasy and basically just splurging on every drug he could get, because he felt oppressed for a long time.

    Weed isn't really a terrible thing in and of itself but if it's getting between your relationship then you've gotta say something, right? Even if he doesn't change, you'll feel better for having tried. Just try not to be preachy. People don't like to hear "It's bad and you're bad for doing it".

    (P.S. to the poster above me, NA people would laugh at you for going there if you went for weed. It's not addictive, impossible to overdose, and people who use actual narcotics that carry some sort of risk besides your lungs hurting would just find you ridiculous.)

  3. Sorry.  It sucks but you will never change him.  Give him a choice.  You or the drugs.  See which he picks.  If he chooses the drugs over you you need to tell him to be gone,.  There is no futire with this man.  Imagine having kids with him in the future....then imagine them getting taken away because of the drugs in the house.  Goods luck.

  4. well technically he isnt addicted to marijuana physically because weed doesnt have the affect alcohol, cigarretes, or hard drugs have on a person..his addiction is more mental... it would take him initiative to quit so you should have a talk to him how this makes u feel and come up with some sort of compromise..if this is hurtin ur relationship then u might *** well move on if he does not want to cooperate

  5. You can't "get" him to quit smoking.  The only way he is going to stop is if HE wants to stop.  The only thing you can do is tell him how you feel about it.  If he does not want to stop, he is not going to.  If it bothers you that much you need to end the relationship.

  6. Tell him that he needs to stop smoking weed because of everything you just mentioned.  He needs to go to Narcotics Anonymous and you need to go to the significant other meetings, like Alanon for AA.

    If he doesn't want to stop weed, YOU can't make him.  He has to want to do it.  People won't change unless they need to. You may have to leave him if he won't stop, because he is becoming a different person than the one you fell in love with.  If you stay with him and make excuses, then you are enabling his activities, not helping him. It will make your life pretty awful if you do stick around.

  7. well I smoke and have a girlfriend too

    all you gota do is smoke too!

    we get along great and love each other a lot =D

  8. girl why you even let him do that. you crazy. get a leash on the man or get out.  

  9. With any addiction it's important that the addict wants to quit, otherwise they never will. I'd talk to him. Express your concerns and tell him how much he's changed. If the weed dependency increases, it could lead onto harder drugs which pose a greater risk to a person's health. If the addiction is becoming more severe, I would tell his family/friends to see what they have to say.

    It could be that his friends are the 'bad influence' - weed is very much a social drug, more so than others - so finding the root of the problem is a key issue.

    Then again, it could just be that he likes to smoke it and it's not an addiction, but more of a habit. You won't know unless you talk to him first.

  10. you cant except somebody to change for you, they have to change for themselves before they start changing for anyone else.

    the only thing you can do for now is sit him down when hes sober and tell him what your telling us.

    see how he reacts.

    theres not much to do for someone who doesnt want to do something for themselves.

    i know its not what you want to hear but if you love him as much as you say then you'll stay with him, high or sober and if he loves you back the same way he'll stop or wont do it as much, if he doesnt love you enough to respect that, you already know what to do.

  11. Well see my boyfriend does it also. He quit when I told him I didn't like it too much when we first got together. But he picked it back up little by little. To be honest it's not as bad as it seems. I had a horrible boyfriend before the one I have now and I'm glad that's all he does. Look at it this way. At least he isn't abusing you, at least he doesn't tell you that you are ugly or fat, at least he doesn't cheat on you. There are much worse things that he could be doing other than smoking weed. If you don't like it tell him to hide it from you. That's what I asked my boyfriend to do. I know he does it. But I don't know when, where, or with who. If your too worried about it talk to him and tell him how you feel. But if I where you, I just wouldn't worry.

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