
How can i get my cell phone into school?

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i am going to a new school now they have metal detectors and x-ray things(idk wat they are called). I need a way to get my cell phone into school. I have a Sprint Samsung Ace( PDA phone).

I also need a way to get my Creative ZEN mp3 player in. One more thing..... If i have a my musix Mp3 player that uses one AAA battery in my pocket will the metal detector go off.

some one please answer me.




  1. First of all, why do you need them? And trust me, I just finished high school and enjoyed carrying my cell phone, but in reality I never needed it during class hours and you can't use your MP3 anyways or you'll just be seen and have it taken.

    They're searching for weapons though, would they really even care if you walked in with a cell phone or MP3 player?

    And I highly doubt that a battery would set off an alarm, they don't actually make you remove your watches, necklaces, earrings, etc. do they?

  2. trust me, it is better to listen to your school and just leave that stuff at home

    they have frikken metal detectors!

    there is obviously a very good reason for a SCHOOL to have metal detectors

    either they are looking for weapons, or there is a lot of theft from those type of things

    i got my 30 gig ipod stolen from the inside of my locker, because i was an idiot and didnt listen when they told me not to bring it to school

    i would belive you if you said you needed your phone, but your mp3 is better off at home trust me, you cant even listen to it in class, whats the use

  3. Until you have met some of the students there,

    and know what kind of people they really are, it would be better to leave your Zen and phone in a safe place at home.  I know you probably need your PDA, but you should go to the office and ask for school policy on such matters. (usually the school will let you bring them unless there is a lot of theft, or disruption from such items.)  I hope that they will let you bring them eventually.  (I wouldn't discuss them with classmates either, until you know them well.)

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