
How can i get my child to stop kicking and hitting his parents when he doesnt get his way?

by  |  earlier

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we have tried discipline but have given up




  1. Every time he starts, pick him up & physically move him to a place where he can calm down.  He doesn't have to be confined in the area, it just needs to be a change of location & a comfy place for him to stop & think (bed, sofa, chair...)  

    Let him know that you'd be happy to talk to him & explain things to him when he's ready to talk, but that you won't allow him to hurt you.  Then, walk away.  

    Do this every single time.

  2. usually the rule of two works wonders.  

    It takes 1 good spanking to find out what happens when he kicks or hits.

    It takes a Second good spanking to find out that it will continue to happen when he hits or kicks.

    My son learned early on that there were two ways to do things in the world.  

    To do as I say because he respects me as his mom,

    OR.. to do as I say because he Fears me as his mom,   And I didnt care which way it happened.

  3. How old is this child? He's hitting you out of frustration and doesnt know how to express himself. I would try a few things...1.  The next time he does this..holds his hands "gently" and talk to him. 2. keep telling him how great he is when he's not hitting anyone..keep encouraging him and stay positive 3. Always remove him from the situation when it happens. Ex..if you guys are out at the mall and if he starts hitting..just get up and leave..don't say anything.. Stay consistent in what you say or do. If all else fails WHOOP THAT ***!!!

  4. You've given up. That's the problem right there. He sees it as an invitation to do whatever the h**l he pleases. Begin HARSH discipline NOW. When he kicks or hits you, hold his arms at his side and tell him "No, we do not hit Mommy/Daddy." Then send him to his room. If he still is not getting the picture, give him a spanking. It will startle him and show that you mean business. Hitting is NOT equivalent to spanking.

  5. Try spanking. Works wonders. My parents used this method; I only needed to get spanked maybe 4 or 5 times total during my childhood. And No, it's NOT child abuse. It's just a quick tap or two to keep them in line. Hitting/slapping/non-stop spanking IS. I see too many parents afraid of their kids nowadays. it's sad. Take control of your child & discipline them or they'll be a wicked brat. good luck.

  6. The non-violent way. Take away the thing he prizes most, and when he calms down, or doesn't kick or hit, return it to him. If he continues to act in this manner, continue taking more things from him until he is completely obedient.

  7. Don't give up  -he could take over the family home!

    Take away fun stuff he likes, you have got to stick to it if you want any change in his bad behaviour!

    Hold his hitting hands and say (kind hands) - I presume he is about 4?

    Regain control, be very firm, lower your voice and tell him, "we do not have hitting in this house!".

    Best of luck!

  8. "Do or do not there is no try" Sorry Starwars flashout. Keep going with the "discipline" "Spare the rod spoil the child" Sorry Bible flashout. I know from experience that if I hit anyone when I was a kid I got whooped for it and I cant think of anything that makes a bigger impact than a warm bottom, kept me from doing it again.  I know even to this day it was really hard for my parents to whoop me but I would not have been a good person if they had not disciplined me.

  9. Whip his ***!!

  10. If you've given up then you haven't really tried.  Discipline takes patience and consistency.  You obviously have neither, the child knows this and now the child is in total control and you have allowed it to happen.  Now you have to go back to square one.  Make up a set of rules, learn to identify and accentuate the child's positive behaviors, give the child rewards and privlieges (television, video games, etc are privliges and should be EARNED rather than just handed to the child), give time outs and don't give attention to bad behavior, if the child continues to "lash out" place the child in his or her bedroom and walk away.  By allowing the child to hit and kick you when you for instance say "no" you are bringing on the attack.  I don't argue, I don't negotiate, I say "No" then walk away.  If the child throws a tantrum she does so out of my view/hearing.

  11. fear.

  12. Depending on his age, sounds like he needs a good ole fashion spanking! If he/she's older, try taking away what they like best for a period of time. Ex: no radio / TV / Xbox / or going somewhere for 1 week. Be consistent and never give in. The kid is obviously not taking you seriously! Good Luck.. ^o^

  13. Disciplin him, not putting him in time out, but maybe a spanking. Its not abuse, trust me I was spanked as a child and im alright and love my parents to death.

  14. Never give up on your child, then he will walk all over you. be CONSISTENT  with your son. He needs attention I can tell. But don't ever give in a 4-5 year old. Show him who's boss in that house! Tell him there is no kicking , screaming ,or hitting. TAKE CONTROL ON YOUR SON!


  15. How old is your child? I'm guessing about 4 or 5 years old. Give them a good spanking or put them in time out.

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