
How can i get my control better?

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Im a pitcher but my control isnt that good

I can hit the stike zone but not that much im either high or into the lefty batting box

Any help with control




  1. Make sure you have good mechanics. Throw for control, not velocity. Practice, practice, and practice. It will come to you.

  2. The best way for you to gain more control is to pitch more.

    The key is that baseball pitching is overwhelmingly a skilled acitivty. Every long-toss throw replaces a throw that could be made from the mound while working on perfecting better mechanics, stimulating game conditions, and mentally focusing and rehearsing the very refined and difficult skill of hitting the glove with all pitches.From 8.2 of The Science and Art of Baseball Pitching: "Total actions (e.g., those to be used in a competitive setting [ie. pitching]) need to be practiced. The partial or isolated training of movement segments (e.g., long-toss, resistance training) would not replicate the unit function in the total action [it's not the same as pitching from the mound]. Thus, once techniques (total response patterns) are being refined, partial practices will serve no purpose other than to learn another movement. There should be no intergration of the partial practice movement into the total response movement once an individual-determined level of skill competency is reached. The only way a highly skilled pitcher can improve his pitching, is to practice pitching. No axuiliary training activities will contribute to skill enhancement once the skill has achieved a resonable level of proficiency."Weighted balls and longtoss WILL NOT increase velocity. In fact they can have the opposite effect that you desire. This is NOT my opinion it is a Scientific fact. (Mills and Rushall Ph.D.,R. Psy The Science and Art of Baseball Pitching)

    The best way for you to increase velocity and performance is get as much mound time as possible. Work on being more explosive in your movements and cut out any movements that slow your momentum to the plate.(i.e. exaggerated leg kick or turning to center field) I suggest you look into this book "The Science and Art of Baseball Pitching" it is backed by years of actual studies and science

  3. practice and just remember fundamentals

  4. If your pitch is going high then you need to release the ball later and make sure to finish with hand down. Also dont try to throw out your arm. go for a strike not for speed

  5. dont concentrate on the speed. how fast do you throw? start from your lowest speed and concentrate on your target (maybe even set up an actual target to hit or buy a pitching net). start off throwing your slowest at the target and get closer than the usual distance of the mound to home. as you get better, start increasing your speed and start backing up till you get to the pitchers mound again. once you have that down, just keep praticing day n night.

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