
How can i get my dad to HURRY UP???!?

by  |  earlier

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my parents said they are going to convert the attic for a bedroom for me, so i said id help loads to move it along quicker ive already cleaned out the whole attic, but my dad keeps not doing anything, everytime i ask him he says hes planning and reading up books on it or else just not doing anything-hes so bad for putting things like this off..i feel like screaming I WANT IT DONE there anything else i can do?? what has to be done in the floor-is there any way i can help?????? do we need an engineer?? ANY OTHER ADVISE or jobs i could do to move it along????




  1. slap him

  2. you could try paying for it, thats probaby why he aint doing it  durrrrrrrrrrr

  3. spoilt brat

  4. start doing bits of it yourself, then keep asking him for help, once he gets started he'll get into it.

    i know it's not a small task, but he might just need a kick up the **** to get started, maybe his "get up and go" got up and went without him!

  5. I'm understand your impatience but your dad is taking on a huge job. I am a very keen DIY person and I would undertake a job like yours but I would not know where to start. I would have to do a lot of research first, mainly to ensure it complies with Building Regulations and that it is safe. Are the walls going to be plaster board or timber? What is the floor going to be? How will you access the new room, a normal staircase or a spiral staircase. Will have windows in the roof otherwise you will have no natural light etc.etc.etc.

    I think you need to be a little patient and just gently jog your Dad from time to time. Perhaps he will get professionals in to do the job.

  6. does your dad work? ppl need time to relax and chill, if he doesn't work then keep naggin' if he does then give the guy a break.

  7. Have you ever noticed that whenever you nag someone they take even longer to do something? Why not get paint sample cards, wallpaper samples or catalogues, pictures and stuff of examples of your design ideas for the room. Leave them where he will see them. You can always talk to your mom too and see if she might be helpful, but in short, it's their house, not yours. Be happy with what you have for now, mention it occasionally, but remember, from your own words they said they'd convert it---but they didn't give you a date. It's up to them, not you.

  8. It sounds a bit like they tricked you. They may have just wanted the attic cleaned out. Don't let them forget what they said you might get it.

  9. Start mentioning a smack head boyfriend that keeps offering you a room at his place see what happens

  10. How much time does your dad actually have to build a room in the attic?

    2-3 hours a night and maybe 30-40 saturdays a year depending on family and work issues.  If you want him to have time to do this work then you need to do everything else in the house he does.

    I'm guessing mowing the lawn is a big one.  Do you have siblings that he needs to spend time with, well you can't fill in for a Dad.

    Your parents want to do this for you, but my guess is your dad really doesn't have the time or even know he doesn't have the time.

    You might try being interested in the whole project.

  11. Why is it with you kids these days you want everything NOW!!

    Stop being so spoilt and let your dad do it when he is ready.

  12. keep bugging him, daily and then he'll get pissed and want to do it because he won't want you annoying him  any more...

  13. Go up there, sit in the attic and refuse to move untill he makes a start,!!

  14. Yes,this feeling also carries over into marriage so I'd get used to it if I was you.

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