
How can i get my dad to understand that he can trust me? HEELPP!!

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ok so, my dad is pretty strict, when i try 2 go out i always have a panic attack asking him cuz hes so strict and can be mean at times, and he does not trust me, he always says im going to get pregnant like my 2 sisters, BUT actualy unlike them im 17 and still a virgin! and the thing is, my brother can do WHATEVER he wants, hes just as capable as geting his girl pregnant, and my father just wont be fair. when i try and tell him that im not like that, he just cutts me off and says thats what your sisters said" ..its hard and it stresses me out, PLEASE HELP! SERIOUSLY




  1. I am NOT saying that your wrong to feel angry and frustrated. You should be because you have been treated unfairly.

    HOWEVER, try putting yourself in your father's shoe. As you mentioned, your 2 sister got pregnant and both of them told him that they will take care of themselves...but look what happened in the end?

    You must understand that he is feeling betrayed and is currently having a hard time trusting you again because he fear the same thing will happen to you. He CARES for you and that's is why he is worried!

    It is probably not YOU that your dad doesn't trust...he just doesn't want to bear the guilt of something happening to you and that forced him to take some extreme or unfair measures on you.

    I know its not fair. But try to understand the rationale behind his action, he just wants to protect you.

    As to your brother...well I know this is going to sound sexist...but your brother can't get pregnant can he? As far as your father is concerned, his "protected already"....I know that isn't fair but thats the way it is....

    Regarding the issue of will need to slowly prove your trustworthiness. You cannot expect him to trust you at the moment...look at what his trust gave him: 2 daughters who got themselves pregnant.

    You just need time to slowly show him that your not like that at all.

    Think through it...try to understand your father's concerns...and maybe try telling him that...tell him that you understand his concerns and hope that he will trust you.

  2. Maybe if you took babysteps with him, it might help.  Ask him to go with you, I know, I know, it doesn't sound fun, but hey, you want to win his trust right?  So anyhow, ask him to take you and your friend out and include him.  Show him that you can be trusted and act appropriate.  Then as time wears on, ask him if you could go out with a friend for an hour, and actually be back in an hour.  Then you take it a bit further, so on and so forth.  And as for you still being a virgin, that's something to be proud of and I so hope that you save it for your wedding day.  Good luck hun.

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