
How can i get my doctor to prescribe me a weight loss pill?

by  |  earlier

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so i want to try adipex but a lot of doctors are aginst weight loss pills so is there anything i can say to get him to give it to me.

so I had a baby 8mos ago and im still about 45lbs away from where i was and 22lbs from a healthy weight. I am very healthy i work out everyday and eat the right things (just too much).

so is there anything that i can say that will help?




  1. Your situation isn't going to persuade any respectable doctor into prescribing a drug that is meant for severe cases. You're just experiencing an extremely common side effect of being a new mother. You even acknowledge your problem so you know what you need to do. Before resorting to the easy way out, consider cutting back on your daily caloric intake and seeing what happens. Keep in mind that muscle is denser than fat so what you've accrued in working out may be translating into that raw number on the scale that you dislike. These days, being 22 pounds over a healthy weight isn't cause for major concern, especially if you say you're otherwise healthy and trying to work that weight off.

    I wish my doctor would just prescribe a weight loss pill for me, too! But the drug won't just quietly make you lose weight. There are usually a lot of very uncomfortable and undesirable side effects that may or may not be worth the final product. And you need to consider what you'll do when the weight is all gone. If you stop the drug, you'll have to drastically alter your eating habits to maintain that weight.

    All I can suggest is Weight Watchers. You have the working out part down and soon you'll be chasing a toddler with endless stores of energy. All you need to do is get some support to help eat more responsibly. Plus, you're bound to meet another mother at the meetings who wants to shed those pounds just as badly.

    Edit: That's terrible! I'm sorry you got a rotten group. Try another location or give it a shot on your own. All you need from them is the weigh-in to chart your progress. It lends to a sense of accountability. Just don't let pushy salespeople deter you from losing weight. If you're determined, you can find a way. Weight Watchers does work and it gives you a long-term plan for losing and then maintaining.

  2. I am sure that your doctor has a really good reason for not letting you use weight loss pills. Ask your doctor why he or she is against weight loss pills. Then once you found out why the doctor then you can negotiate with the doctor about the pills.

  3. Your doctor is right to be against weight loss pills. They are a total scam. I know people have used them and they don't work.

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