
How can i get my dog from africa (cape verde) to germany?

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How can i get my dog from africa (cape verde) to germany?




  1. Do not let your dog walk and swim... it's too far.

    Try to take it with you on the airplane or ship.

    Make sure your dog has all needed vaccinations.

  2. You should contact the nearest German Embassy, which is in Senegal:

    They will help you and give you all the information you will need regarding vaccinations, veterinary certificates, import documents etc.

    Good luck.

  3. First you need to speak to the airline that flies the route. You will need to speak to a German  vetanery to find out what vactanations the dog needs. There will be some blood tests done. The dog will fly with the airline in the haul. It is very expencive, you are looking at a few thousand dollars.

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