
How can i get my dog to stop eating evrything & i mean everything?

by Guest55929  |  earlier

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he eats whatever he can get to. i have found all different sorts of stuff in his poo. i know that sounds nasty. but he couldnt poo it out so i would have to help him. i bought a cage to try and cage train him but if we let him out for too long he's at it agian. i dont like leaving him locked up in the cage all the time but its the only way we stop him so far. please help




  1. Supervise him while he plays.  Correct the behavior by stopping him from chewing pieces of toys, shoes, etc.

  2. scold him a lot and then lock him up in a kennel and in worse cases a kennel outside or get rid of him ........I had a rat terrier just like that and She now lives outside but when in doesn't chew up everything

  3. You have got to get him trained, you can't just lock him up and hope he grows out of it. When they are young it is a very impressional time. Its like having a child. Use treats to reward good behaviour and positive praise, exercise him, take him for an hour walk a day or even a dog park, he is doing this because he's bored! Call your local pet superstore and take him to a trainer. Be a responsible pet owner, he just needs some guidance and positive attention. Don't yell at him, this will only make him afraid of you and not want to listen. If you are uptight your dog will be too!

  4. Get him a soft plastic muzzle, and otherwise supervise him closely on a leash tied to your belt.

  5. Go to the pet store and buy a bitter apple flavor spray. Spray it on things he might chew on and see if that works. It tastes really bad for dogs and it might discourage him.

    Also, buy him a lot of different chew toys and praise him when he chews them.

    He sounds like a puppy. He will probably grow out of it in a few months but you need to watch him CONSTANTLY. When he chews/eats something he shouldn't it's not his fault, it's yours. You have to monitor his behaviour and discipline him.

    Cage him ony when you are out of the house, in the shower or unable to keep your eye on him. If you don't feel ike chasing him around all the time, tie a leash around your waist or belt loop, and keep him on it so he is near you but still can move around without getting out of sight.

  6. get rid of him

  7. Leaving him locked up in a cage is only increasing this. I have the same dog problem. Here's what I do: my dog gets walks every single day. I tire her out big time. I watch her 24/7. I never let her out of my sight for a moment. I puppy-proofed the house and picked up all the obvious things she would go after. I also do daily training with her to tire her out mentally and teach her commands like "leave it". She's getting better all the time. Do the same with your dog.

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