
How can i get my dogs chest to get bigger?

by  |  earlier

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i have a doberman and i want him to have big chest




  1. You can't make your dog's chest bigger.  If he's still young, he might fill out more until he's close to 2 years old; but besides that you can't change his body-type.  Just keep him at a healthy weight -- he should have a defined waist but not too many ribs showing, and definitely no visible spine.

  2. You can, unlike humans, dogs don't have very many muscles in there chest, just a rib cage, so there is no way you can get his chest bigger.

  3. lots of exercise, nutrition,,,maybe weight training....but please dont fight it or nothing thats cruel

  4. Age and genetics are your friends.  Unless your dog came from deep chested parents he isn't going to be deep chested.  Likewise mature dogs will have a deeper chest.

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