
How can i get my ex boyf back.?

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Hi me and my boyfriend recently, broke up, but i still love him and want him back. Problem is he has a new girlfriend already which he says isnt serious. The other day he was flirting with me in text. We are meeting tomoro, does anyone have any ideas of how i should behave etc to make him want me again. We are both 25.




  1. YA I have an idea. TRY BEING YOURSELF!!!!!!!!  because when you start to pretend, then your only hurting yourself. If he doesn't like you for who you are, then get rid of him!!!

  2. the fact is he has another woman.. doesnt matter he isnt serious.. if they have had s*x would it bother you because regardless he will tell you he hasnt.. then you have trust issues.. i know what it feels like to be in love.. it suks man but youy need to move on.. he did/has.

  3. sweetheart .. just be yourself .

    that's the sexiest thing you can be .

    if he fell in love with you before .. he can fall in love with you again .

    just be the woman he fell in love with .

    flirt flirt flirt .. eye contact .. body language .

    use those when you meet up with him .

    good luck !


  4. if he wants you back, then he'll want you back. you can't really do anything other than tell him that you want to be with him again to get him to want you back. Sounds simple, and it is. so be you, and if he wants you, then you're good.

  5. Give it a little thought - remember why you broke up in the first place. I once got back with an ex - worst thing I ever did. I realise that when you get caught up you only remember what was good when you should also be fair to yourself and remember why you left in the first place.....

    I hope it all goes well for you - I am sure that you will make the right decision.

    Good Luck


  6. i think the better question is WHY you broke up.  because if you broke up theres a reason it ended and you could be wasting your time, u might just want him back because hes taken now.. just something to think about first

  7. wellll... he has a gf... and hes meetin his ex(you)

    says a lot about him in that one sentence doesnt it

    he doesnt seem worth it... if hes lying to his current gf .. imagine what hes doing to you

  8. Boy sure didn't take him long to find someone new did it?  Not to mention that he is now flirting with you while he is supposed to be with her just like he probably flirted with her while he was with her.  Will this make any difference to you in your decision making time?  No it won't.  You want him back and this is bound to turn into a contest.  He has his cake and his ice cream so he is going nowhere.  You on the other hand are going to have to pick up the pace and compete now with what ever she does or offers.  He will just sit around and make comparisons and pick the best of the two or keep the two or dump both and get a third.  This is laughable.

  9. Wow.  Where to begin?  First of all, you broke up and he has another girlfriend, serious or not, it should tell you something.  I have never quite understood a man that wants to have his cake and eat it too.  This is not going to work out in your favor at all.  Remember, changing something about yourself to make someone like you is bandaid dating.  It's called the dating face.  Girl, if he doesn't like you for yourself, the way you always are day in and day out, changing your behavior to make him want you is not going to work, well, not for long anyway.  The only way you should change your behavior is to ignore his texts and go find yourself another 25 year old, or 26 year old, or 27 year old (you get the point) and make a brand new relationship with someone that likes the flavor of your icing!  Just make certain that you are yourself and there will never be a need to put on a front!

  10. Erm I'd just be yourself!

    Thats the best way if hes going to take you back atleast make it for the right reasons - Dont pretend to be someone/something you're not.

  11. its easy i brought an e book that helped me immensely were now married with 3 kids

  12. So, from the sounds of it, he broke up with you, is dating someone else, and you want him back?  

    First, you guys broke up for a reason.  Second, he is dating someone else, which he says isn't serious, but like he is really going to tell you it is serious?  Then he is flirting with you in text?  So, that to me means that he knows you want him back and he is playing you - keeping you in the wings just in case.  

    Odds are, even if you do get back together, you will probably break up sooner rather than later.  Not to sound negative, but it seems that this is what usually happens.

    If I were you, I would be moving on and finding someone else.

  13. It didn't take him long to replace you....Think about that for a moment.

    You can ask him "how he feels about you".

    You can say....What would it take to make us work?

    Ask him what he really wants out of life and how could you provide it for him.

    Tell him how you want him back and that you love him and miss him.

    No Crying, until he leaves....No matter what he says.

  14. Well, you dang sure don't have anything to do with him until he's gotten rid of the other girl. Otherwise, you will always worry if he's going to cheat on you like he cheated on her. Tell him "I love you, miss you, blah blah blah" but wait until chic's gone!

  15. I'm taking it you don't have a lot of experience with guys?

    Well first of all if you just recently broke up and he already has a new girlfriend he really didn't care about the relationship.

    Second of all if he has a girlfriend and you both are meeting tomorrow for some reason, he doesn't care about her either.

    And lastly a guy who would meet with an ex girlfriend behind the recent girlfriend's back is a PIG and a PLAYER and you shouldn't be with him anyway!

  16. okay hunn you should probly not give in too easly first try making sure that him and his girlfriend arent serous like he says and just kinda flirt with him trough out the whole time you too are together and try being playfull dont act to serous and ask about his girlfriend and act like you care and maybe just maybe you might have another chance and yes i know i dont have the best advice but it doesn't hurt to try.

    best of luck, :]


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