
How can i get my face to stop bein' oily/shiny?

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I hate that I have an oily/shiny face. everytime just by walkin' for 15 mins from home to school, when i look in my mirror, i see it's sweaty when i barely walked. i always have to wipe my face off with a cloth to get rid of the shininess. so here are my questions:

1) i also have uneven skin and i was wonderin' what can i do? i know u can use foundation but idk what colour to use for my face, so how can i find out for sure if the colour is right for me?

2) how can i get rid of the shininess of my face? it's so flippin' annoyin' and makes me look like i'm a lamp.




  1. Maybe wash your face often, like when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Also look for facial products for oily skin, and if you do already use certain face stuff make sure it is oil free.

    Look up make up ideas for oily skin, because make up can make it worse.

  2. You can buy these little strips of paper that soaks up oil on you're face. I use it (ugh...i have really oily skin, too) and it works great . I use neutrogina.

  3. Try using several different cleansers, besides, all it is is natural skin oil, most people get it but in different places, my oiliest place on my face is my forehead, so I use different cleansers and I never have oily skin or zits!

    Try ordering facial cleanser and lightweight moisturizer on Mary Kay online, Velocity is the brand, their stuff is great. The Wave works quite well too! I also use a washcloth with hot water every morning and night. Every 1 time a week or so I use St. Ives Apricot Scrub for oily skin and acne, it has those tiny micro beads that cleans out your skin. Make sure that if you wear makeup you remove it with make up remover every night before you go to bed too, when you wear it to bed it can get all over your face and clog your pores and that can ruin your skin and give you pimples, so be very aware of that as well.

    And actually foundation is the worst to coverup, you know why? Because it clogs up your pores, so be cautious about how much you use and that you remove it every night before you go to bed, when it clogs your pores, zits can be created, so don't take the risk! Cleansers are the BEST!

    Hope I helped.

  4. for shine clean n clear carries a excelent oil sheets there made to soak up all ur oil! and if you dont have any of those on u try the old fashion way, TOILET SEAT COVERS! they soak face oils right up. i know it seems discuting! but it works:]]

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