
How can i get my front foot to land on my skateboard when i do a kickflip??

by Guest59324  |  earlier

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How can i get my front foot to land on my skateboard when i do a kickflip? I can get my front foot to land on my board but no mater what i try i cant get my front foot on the boar. Can someone please help me?




  1. Yeah dude you might just be making the same mistake a lot of people do...

    When your popping and flicking, you want to make sure your just flicking with your leg. Don't throw your whole body with it, or your going to land in front of your board every time.

    Look to see if thats what your doing.

    Good luck man (=

  2. This is a very common problem when learning kick flips, it is usually because the board does not flip straight. Work on flicking your foot off a little cleaner to make the board straighter. If the board does flip straight try leaning over your shoulder a bit to straighten out your landing. Kickflips are a very frusturating trick.. believe me, but dont give up! Good luck!

  3. hey man i know kickflips are hard it took forever for me to learn. but one preoblem i had alo is the problem your having.  try putting your front foot a little behind the front bolts it gives your feet more control

  4. Just put it there, you need to commit or you will never get it. i used to have this problem

  5. Ahhhhh i remember learning the kickflip i had this problem too, i found you can practice with just a deck on trampoline.

    You Should try pulling your legs up as high you can.

  6. just like an ollie bend down low than intead of ur foot in the middle of the board put it to the side and do an ollie and push down with that foot works for me!:-)

  7. hold your front foot in the air a split second longer.  youre supposed to catch a kickflip with your back foot anyway

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