
How can i get my horse to let me wash his face?

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When i use a sponge on his face it is easier but he lifts his head up so high i can't reach. He is not scared or mean about it just difficult. How can i get him used to it i like to sponge his face almost everyday only because it is so hot and bugs, sweat, and dirt accumulate over time and i cant get it with a brush. Thanks for your help!!!




  1. give him treats

  2. while your sponging his face hold out a hand full of oats or treats and give it to him it works with my horse

  3. Practice! Horses respond well to treats and when he puts his head down and lets you wash his face he gets a treat and not until then! It might take you several days to get a response but you must be consistent. Try not to get the water in his eyes until he gets used to it on his face.  My horses don't like water on their face but they accept it better if I wipe the water from their eyes. Good luck! PS: My horses don't bite or get pushy - it is a matter of manners.

  4. yea, dont give him a treat: it will make him spoiled and ard to control if you dont give him a treat when your washing his face. you may just wanna put his halter on with a lead rope and give him a short pull when he does it. when he starts to do it later on and youre reaching for the lead rope, he will stop. but make sure you pull on it not when hes at hes at his full height, but in the middle when he puts his head up.

  5. DO NOT give him treats! this will make him a mean horse when it comes to washing he'll always want a treat!...the best thing to do is to put a chain under his chin and apply lots of pressure until he puts his head down then loosen the chain do this over and over...pretty soon when you go to wash your horses face you and just simply put down a little bit and he'll put his head down and you can wash it....don't worry this doesn't take long i taught my 2 year old to do this she is a dream!

  6. Bribary. You need to teach him to put his head down when you need it down. To do this...have a treat (a long carrot is good because you can give him small bites). Put the carrot low, and only give him small amounts...distract him while you clean his face. You can also say 'down' before you give him the carrot so he learns it like a command. Say the same thing when you want to put a bridle or halter on him.

  7. My guy is the same way.  Frustrating as all get out!

    When I wash him I never spray his face but if he gets mad and turns into the water he gets sprayed (hey, HE walked into it, I didn't do it *giggle*)

    So when it comes time to do the sponge on the face I never had good luck until I started doing it this way:

    1.  dry sponge, lift it up to his face but not straight on.  Make sure he sees it.

    2.  While he is tossing his head around place that dry sponge between his eyes/nose/or on his cheek.  Wherever you can get it.

    3.  Hold it there so he feels it aint killin' him and it aint wet.

    He will eventually stop tossing his head and start thinking about what you are doing and how it feels

    Repeat on both sides of the face and between the eyes.

    Do this for a few days to get him used to the sponge idea.

    NOW...make the sponge wet but not dripping.  If he sees water dripping he will toss his head harder.

    1.  Place sponge on his cheek/between the eyes/under jaw, etc....and leave it still til he calms down.

    2.  Slowly move it around in that area then when he's calm move it slowly to a new area.

    3.  If he starts to get touchy in a new area back the sponge off and go slower to the new spot.

    Repeat this for a few days


    More water...dripping...

    Repeat all of it again


    Water AND suds

    you get the picture.  

    I can now suds up my boys head, he still hates it and still tosses his head,  but he will eventually calm down after a few minutes.


    if you get any water drops or suds near his eyes, wipe it away.  You do not want to make him irritated or frightened.  Let him know you are looking after him and not going to hurt him.  :)

    THAT in itself helped my boy through this.

    If someone else has some great ideas I tell ya, I'm watching.  This is a difficult area of mine too!

  8. Try using a chair next to him while washing him so youly be same height.

  9. Well if he lets you touch his face then keep touching his head and just gently let him know that you arn't going to hurt him. Then after he gets used to your hand then bring in the sponge. Don't just go up to him and start using the sponge on his face let him smell it first and see what he thinks of it and let him know that it isn't going to hurt him. Go towards his muzzle or cheek. (Some horses don't like it above their eyes).Then graduely go towards the spot hat you need to wash and he shoud let you wash is. It takes time to get a horse used to something different. You could hold his head down with one hand and use the other to wash.

                                  Good Luck = )

  10. You can put a few treats in your hand and let him sniff it. When he puts his head down to sniff it start to slowly wash his face. If he doesnt lift his head up give him a treat. It works for me. I have a 17.2 hand throughbred and im 5'2.

  11. treats will just spoil your horse and made him very nosey. it can lead to nipping. Try putting pressure on the poll for him to lower his head (kinda like putting a bridle on) and then try washing his face with a damp sponge. using a chain shank might also be a good idea, if the first idea doesnt work. Dont yank on the chain because that can make him lift his head higher. pull and if he doesnt respond give a slight yank.  remember to praise and have patience with him! sometimes horses dont understand what they are being taught or told. good luck!

  12. My method would be to start with teaching him to drop his head on command - (ie: pressure at the pole with fingers)  The pressure should be steady and increase slighly until the SLIGHTEST move is made with the horses head DOWNWARD!  Do not quit till some sort of SLIGHT down move is made.  Reward QUICKLY so the horse knows if you pinch or pressure his poll his head should drop to remove the pressure.

    After you have him consistently dropping his head with A VERY LIGHT Touch.... (always start light and increase till he drops so that the next time he'll do it on the lighter touch - kinda like giving a kid the 1 - 2 -3 warning before you "SPANK" LOL)......then start bringing the sponge (dry first) to his face - stand to his side and continue to ask for his head down while you take the sponge to and from his face several times - for just seconds at each time -

    If you have that conquered start leaving the sponge on his face for a few seconds more each time - gradually start rubbing for a few minutes.  Then dappen the sponge - but start slowly again - introducing the wet sponge - remember if he raises his head to cue him to drop it again.  BUT TRY NOT TO REMOVE THE SPONGE till his head drops... this way he thinks his reward his the removal of the sponge - when he drops his head!

    I KNOW ITS LONG - but promise if you take your time over 2-3 days of consistent work - you will wash your horses face with ease!  Remember he is a condition response animal! you present the condition and he'll respond - but reward QUICKLY!

    EDIT: this also works with bridling issues! :)

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