
How can i get my horse to settle down while showing?

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My filly is almost 2 (aug. 18 ) and I show her in halter. this saturday is a show i found out about in the last minute and i entered her. she is a green racking horse and is really wild! when i start running her she racks which is what i want but every time i start to run she literally leaps almost right out of my hands!!! then she cuts me off and pulls like she is dying! any help??




  1. Does she do this at home?

    If not, I would reconsider showing her this weekend. Instead, just go with her and make it a really fun experience for her. Let her walk around and meet everybody. You can even go into the warm up ring, and walk around, but don't make her work too hard, just let her have fun.

    Make the show experience fun for her and let her watch the other horses. Then when it comes time to work (at another show) she should be much more relaxed because it's fun to be there!

    Good luck!

  2. its green. The more shows the better. But most people think, 'oh more shows ok i'll enter in more', no. Go to shows with her, handle her in the back grounds and nothing else. When she is settled there she can enter a practice ring. Do not ever enter a show ring and be jugded if your horse is behaving like that. After a while she will settle down and enjoy getting out. If you feel scared, tense, angry, etc. It is better to let someone else handle her or she will never enjoy it and continue this behavior. Better to hand her over to someone use to green horses for a few shows than have a horrible experience and ruin her.

    Also if you know she is 'wild' do not take her anywhere till she is calm at home. Never let her go, or 'leap out of your hands' this is the most dangerous thing you can do. If you are fininding it hard hire someone to do it right. Better you and the horse safe than you or the horse injured.

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