
How can i get my hubby 2 just want me??

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How can i get my hubby 2 just want me??




  1. Simple. GO back to basics. What attracted both of you to get together initally and what are you both now taking for granted? No one said marriage was easy, and if you BOTH don't work at it, you both don't deserve each other. There is always two sides to every story. Don't let romance die. Love a lot, laugh a lot, share a lot.

  2. if he is wanting others you are probably to late with this question. if you want to keep hi m from wanting others, always do your best to keep him attracted to you and keep an active s*x life full of surprises for him

  3. In what way? Sexually? Emotionally?  

  4. THIS is one good reason to not get married.

  5. your question is a little vague... but talk to him, tell him how you feel

    good luck xx

  6. if he doesn't want you than why do wou want him?? you can't make someone want anything, the heart can't be controlled

  7. Why does he want someone else? In that case, DIVORCE is good!

  8. I'd really like to help you with this one as your problem is similar to one I went through with my ex but it would be better if you expanded on your question and explained things a bit more.

  9. I dont know

  10. Don't know just say do me.

  11. cuddle him and play with his p***s, most guys respond to that

  12. What do you mean by "just"...?

    If he's wanting other women, he's in the wrong marriage, apparently.

    If you want him to just want you and not fuss over other things that life has to offer, then throw on some s**y music, light some candles and put on a s**y nighty. Better yet- find out what his fantasies might be.

  13. I'm guessing this is sexually.  On that assumption, if he has eyes, he's going to look.  Short of poking his eyes out, it's something you have to know and accept.  That does NOT mean that he should be doing it while he's with you, or that he should be telling you how hot other women are.  But attractive women are like shiny objects to men, they look at them.  I know my boyfriend looks, but he doesn't do it while he's with me, and he doesn't come home and tell me about all the attractive women he's seen.  Now if your husband is expressing desires to have s*x with other women, and making you feel insecure and bad about yourself, he's being a jerk, and you should tell him.  When he married you, he took a vow to be with you and ONLY you- remind him of that.  If he doesn't respect your objections to the situation, and he isn't satisfied with what he's got, I would suggest counseling.  Good luck!

  14. If he wants other people then it looks like your marriage is on shaky ground. Talk to him and tell him your concerns.

    If communication doesn't work then you have serious problems.

    Good luck

  15. Men need a great deal of leading , if you want it your going to have to find many creative ways to tell him and sometimes right out goes directly over his head. you know him you know what his interests are try working with that . It takes some doing when you have been with someone for awhile if he does not respond you might have to go with your feelings and get some space , think about what it is you need to do , Since your not very detailed that is about as far as I can go .  

  16. Your Q is VERY vague - more info brings better answers!

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