I know women always want to "talk" to you guys, but my hubby is the type that ignores the problem as long as he can until he confronts it-if he even does that; I am a type that likes to get it over with and get to all the nooks n crannies... so i try contain my worries until he is ready just out of respect for him saying over and over later, later but then he's half asleep and i just want to get my frustrations out which just gets him pissed b/c he was bout to pass out and soon enough voices get raised, pushes and shoves go on, and some really hurtful things get said... last night we had a blow out and he said his love was fake for me which now i'm starting to believe b/c i started crying and he just went back to bed and came for me until some time later... also i just caught him cheating on me he never touched the girl or so he says, it was only texting and chatting but i rather him physically cheat for the night then emotionally for weeks at a time and this isn't the first chick... he says it was just to get me mad or jealous i suppose but he didn't admit to it till i called the girl ... i cheated on him when we were dating and i guess he still holds it against me but we are married now we are having a son next month and I moved to another country for him... how can i get him to talk to me to really get things cleared or will this forever be in us... i love him dearly been with him since i was 16 but i don't want to live my life trying to get his man to kiss me to show any love.. .