
How can i get my kids to stop fighting?

by  |  earlier

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i have to boys 10 & 5 and they will not stop arguing over everything. i have tried seperating them .. yelling and taking what ever it was away.. help




  1. remove one of their voice boxes... or send one of them to boarding school... or put one up for adoption. ta da, no more fighting!!!

  2. I WENT THRU THE SAME THING  speak to them then when they fight hold them both responsible time out for both let the punishment go to both equally also watch the5 yearold they love to look for a fight by teasing do not be lenientjust cause he is smaller   i know it sounds bad but spanking might be an option society has gotten to soft on spanking but why do you think there are so much delinquents


  4. only once or more if u need i dont do this i hat abuse give a spanking

  5. create a situation that's a no-win for them...

    offer them incentives or gifts if they stop fighting :)

  6. Stop yelling at them, stop taking their things away, they are siblings they are going to fight.  It happens in pretty much every family that has more than one child.  It is called "sibling rivalry"  My mom used to hand us the first aid kit, send us outsde saying "I don't want blood on the carpet"  she would tell us that she didn't want to hear anything from us (tatteling) unless a bone was protruding through bone or a severed arterey sticking up pumping blood.

  7. honestly I think most issues with children arise because adults always want to get involved. When they fight have them use there own calm words to tell the other why what they did hurt them and that they should not continue to do that because they do not like it. I work with kids and we have them say: (child's name) when you do  that it hurts me because...(insert child feeling) and Please don't that, I don't like it. And so on and so on.

    Have them partake in activities where they must work together in order to complete the goal. and if you believe in rewarding good behavior, catch them getting along and let them decide together what an appropriate reward would be. When they do not get along punish them EQUALLY they younger kids can tend to be quiet instigators because they know that they can get away with it.

    Have the ten year old be more involved with the little one also like helping him spell and count, get dressed, have him read to the younger one before bed. Anything to help him feel a little more involved with his brother and when the little one is  asleep or the older one is at school give each their own undivided attention.

    Let me know what you think of any of this.

  8. Have a knock down fight with your hubby and let them see how it feels.

  9. When my kids start fighing, I make them sit on the couch and hold hands.  They aren't allowed to get up until they work out the problem.  It usually works:))))))

  10. just let them b. sometimes us kids need to work it out on our own

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