
How can i get my kitten to stop biting people?

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How can i get my kitten to stop biting people?




  1. you just have to teach it not to. kittens dont know any better if they are not taught.

    and to the person that said to punch it you are HORRIBLE!!!!!!! i really hope that you dont have pets, or children, you are not fit.

  2. My kitten, who's now a little more than a year old used to bite.

    When she got old enough to where it would hurt I would give her a little bop on the head when she bit. That stopped it pretty quickly.

    Now when she's thinking about biting, I just have to feign bopping her and she stops.  Just giving her an intimidating pointing finger gives her the message. Followed by saying "watch it".

  3. bite it back lol nah just teach it can take lots of time but it will soon learn that its wrong to bite trust me they learn at some point just tell it off and it will be scared of u and then it wont do it again coz it nos its wrong to bite  hope this helps

  4. Kittens tend to gnaw for the same reason any small creature does...teething and gum pain.

    When the kitty bites, get one finger in it's mouth and hold pressure against the roof of it's mouth while squeezing down with another finger on the top of her nose.

    Guaranteed to stop kitty-biting in a VERY short time, provided you are firm and consistent with it.  

  5. Why dont you get him a chewy toy or a toy he can bite instead of a person :)

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