
How can i get my lab up the stairs?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Get a treat, let him sniff it, throw it up the stairs- any true lab will run after it!

  2. well my pit bull is VERY weird and she was real skiddish around stairs as well.. so I put her on the ground and i walked up the stairs (i only have like 4) so i would recommend going up a few and just keep trying to motivate him and praise him everytime he tries and praise him MORE everytime he gets up a stair but only give him treats when he makes it up the whole four stairs. that's what worked for me! GOOD LUCK!

  3. <<<< Well my lab hates the stairs, he's never gone up them before. (I know it's most likely to be a personal thing and nothing to do with the breed; I'm sure there are plenty of lab owners who's dogs happily go up and down stairs). How old is the dog? If he's a pup the stairs are bound to be intimidating to him.

  4. Why do you need him up stairs - it is better for dogs if they don't have to do this

  5. Before you're even at the stairs pick him up and carry him 1/2 way up (assuming you can lift him). Then he has no choice but to go up or down himself, but try and call him up to follow you. I had a little puppy in my townhouse for a while who did the same thing but it only took a few times of calling and praising. Also, if he still doesn't come up then just go upstairs without him and eventually he will want to be with you and will force himself to do and then realize it's not scary.

  6. You don't say how old your dog is.  If he is just a puppy then it's not a good idea to encourage him to climb stairs yet.  The action of rotating his legs to negotiate the stairs could do untold damage to his hip joints.

    If he is over 12 months and you want him to go upstairs then coax him up with a little treat on every stair and then do the same again on the way down.  Never force him to go up, it will only frighten him and make him nervous.    Once he gets the hang of it there'll be no stopping him, believe me.

  7. If your dog is becoming aggressive, you have more important issues than the stairs.

    Please see a professional trainer.

    Put him on leash and walk up the stairs.  He has the option of walking up or being dragged.

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