
How can i get my lazy husband to pick up his friggin socks?

by  |  earlier

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i am so tired of picking his sock all over the friggin house. i just leave it there until he run out of sock this time. should i just throw it away when i see it? what would you do?




  1. I'm a feminist....but somethings aren't worth fighting over.

    You pick up the socks.....and avoid an argument.

    Pick you battles....socks shouldn't be one of them.

  2. I would just leave them there.. it is a simple thing to put them in the hamper.. he may get the hint when nothing is clean...

  3. Pick them up with a plastic bag as if it disgust you. take them out back and set them on fire every time. The next time he see's you with the plastic sack he will want to know what your doing and why. b4 he ask he will probably check the ground for socks

  4. Pick them up, pile them behind his easy chair, and refuse to wash them until they walk themselves to the hamper/laundry room.

    When he has no socks, just point at the pile.  

  5. dont panic for this do some activity which your husband dont like when he dont pick his socks

  6. You need a reward system in place.

    I seriously do this.

    A b.j. every day that my man pitches in around here.

    It works~! Appreciation on both sides.

  7. get a sharpie and some buttons and make pupputs out of them and put them back in his drawer as puppets... eventually, he'll be tired of silly looking feet and get it

  8. I just pick up his socks. As many things as he does right, I'm not gonna harp on the small insignificant items. He tolerates my c**p, I tolerate his; I think it's a good deal. If you think there isn't anything about you that irks your husband, think again.

  9. What is wrong with sitting down to talk with your husband?  You are married to him and if you have an issue with how your life is, socks or not, and let him know how much it bothers you.  

  10. When my husband leaves his socks on the floor I just pick them up and put them in the laundry basket. Getting angry over something so petty is just a waste of energy and is a really stupid reason to get divorced over. Just accept that your husband does this and learn to live with it, it really isn't that serious.  

  11. Ask yourself what's the REAL issue, it sounds like you are unhappy about something more than just socks on the floor, because it really is easier to just pick them up. If nothing, just calmly talk to him and tell him how annoyed it makes you when he leaves his socks on the floor.

  12. HAHAHA.  Alter his brain.  Men are like that.

  13. How will he ever learn to pick them up - if there's nothing to pick (because you already did it)??

    Leave them there (it will be hard for you to do) and when he runs out of clean socks then he will get the idea to throw them in the hamper....

  14. Put the socks in his pillowcase.

  15. i would throw them away.  either that or just put them in his drawer unwashed.  after a few weeks, h**l notice somethings up with them

  16. Guys aren't very perceptive. He probably doesn't realize he's doing it. Many people here will probably recommend you do some nasty thing that will only end up irritating both of you. I have found the best way to deal with the oblivious is simply to sit them down, make eye contact, and in a nice friendly way tell them what you want. Pick a time when he's in a good mood and hold up a pair of socks and say "Honey, I don't like your socks being left all over the place all the time and I don't like picking them up all the time. Could you please remember to put your socks and your other dirty clothes in the hamper where they belong?"

    He won't remember all the time but he should start doing better with a couple of reminders.

    Good luck with the oblivious s*x

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