
How can i get my license early, i live in Pa help!?

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If i take a drivers ed in high school or anywhere else can i get my license early? i heard people getting permits at 14. im 14 right now and i wanna see what i can do so please help me.I live in the poconos area.




  1. According to the Pennsylvania Driver's Manual, Pennsylvania's teenagers, age 16 or older, must obtain driving privileges in stages. This strongly implies that 16 is the minimum age to obtain a permit. (footnote 1)

    The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Web site states, "An initial Learner's Permit is issued to any individual, 16 years of age or older, who has never been licensed to operate a vehicle, a new resident who has never been licensed, or a new resident who has been licensed in another state but whose driver's license has been expired longer than 6 months." This reinforces the minimum age is 16 years old to obtain a leaner's permit in Pennsylvania. (footnote 2)

    I would be skeptical when hearing about other people in Pennsylvania obtaining permits at 14 years old. However, there is one example of 14 year olds legally driving (with no permit or license) on Pennsylvania roads with contraints, see below.

    In Pennsylvania you may only drive if there is a special farming need for persons under 16 years old. More specifically, implements of husbandry may be operated by non-licensed drivers 14 years of age or older. Persons 14 or 15 years of age may only operate implements of husbandry on one or two lane roads bisecting or immediately adjoining the premises upon which such person resides. (PVC § 1502 (5)). (footnote 3)

    I am sorry, unless the above applies, you can not get your permit or drive on Pennsylvania roads until you are 16 years old.

  2. You can get your permit at 14, but you have to wait to be 16 in order to get your license.  

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