
How can i get my little cousin to start reading??

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i have a little cousin, going on 6 in a week or so. he's entering the first grade and he can barely read a word. he cant even sing the alphabet. im really concerned for him, because I know that teachers these days dont always have much patience for slow learners. I try sitting down with him to read but my mom bought him a DS and he hasnt stopped playing with it. What can i do?? My parents and his cant see the problem but i think its important he learns.




  1. you can try and make a game out of learning the alphabet.... and reading..... or there are educational games that can be played on the DS so maybe if he is addicted then you could get him one of the educational games. THat might help. Also, you could use the DS as a reward. Like maybe spend 10 minutes working on reading with him and then he can play on the DS. Just spend a few minutes every time you see him and it can make a BIG difference.  

  2. Get some really flashy picture books at the library, and when you're with your cousin, read to him. Make it 'our thing" when you two are together. Always have something on hand to read to him. When you see him later, ask him about the things you have read. Help him to see that reading is a very important part of your life, and if he really likes you, he will want to do the things you are doing. When he gets interested in the stories and begins to want to hear about the things you are reading to him, you can then show him that it is possible for him to read for himself. Then he'll be interested enough to want to learn the alphabet and phonics. You will be a good teacher some day. Keep up the good work!!!

  3. They have some DS reading and spelling games for little kids.  Reading needs to be exciting tell him a story about the book that is really exciting and make it sound like he has to want to know what happens in the book. If it doesn't work go with the DS learning games.

  4. i admire your concern for your little cousin. and you have the right to worry because kids aged 6 should be able to read, or at least sing the alphabet. what is wrong with an adult is that, they thought if a kid is quiet then nothing is wrong with him. but in this case, i think you guys should try to talk to his teacher and ask them how he is in the classroom.  he might need the help of more than just a teacher.  he might need professional help.

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