
How can i get my man of the ps3 and paying me more attention , ?

by  |  earlier

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im so bored of call of duty and other than stripping in front of him i really cant get him off




  1. I bet hed think its really s**y if you tried to play with him, then hed see that his ps3 is arbitrary and you are more important than the ps3, or u could just hide the power cords!!

  2. go on a date with another guy...tell him to call you when hes finished the game

    or on another note...get better then him at all his favorite games...that would really f-him up

  3. cause this is an impossible task, we men love technology and there fore spend lots of time with it XD

  4. take the controller out of his hands, climb right on top of him, pull his face toward u, and then make out....hows that attention!?

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