
How can i get my mom to leave my stuff alone?

by  |  earlier

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everytime my mom goes in my room she always moves my stuff. like she puts it somewhere else. and she looks through my stuff. like today she went in my room and started looking through my backpack. and i leave my stuff laying out so i can find it. if i put it somewhere i wont be able to find it. litterally when she walks in my room she can not leve without touching or moving something. i just want her to leave my stuff alone!!




  1. other than asking to respect your privacy and not reorganize your stuff... there's not much you can do but get older and move out.

  2. Impossible.   Mothers have a psychotic compulsion to touch their husband's and kid's stuff.  Even when it is none of their business.

    Ask any man over 40 years old, " do you still have the baseball cards you saved as a kid" ?   They all say the same thing, " my mother threw them out".  In 50 years I never heard anyone say " my father threw them out".

  3. Its her house she has ever right to go through your things, if you don't like it keep your room clean and she will have no reason to go in it. Or help pay the mortgage.

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