
How can i get my mom to stop smoking..?

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I think if i actually said something to her, or did something then she would really consider stopping because i know she loves me enough that i could have a big enough effect on her...

my dad smoked but then went cold turkey and stopped about 3 months ago, mom still smokes tho

any help?




  1. Every smoker knows that smoking is bad for him. But speaking as an ex-smoker, I think we procrastinate because there never seems like a good time, and when we've tried to quit the habit it's kicked us right back -  that can be discouraging. Unless your mom is really motivated, she won't quit for long. If you've ever been addicted to anything for a long time, you know it takes a lot to motivate addicts to face reality and quit. They're past the stage of "Oh, I shouldn't do this, so I'll just stop."

    Which is not to say she shouldn't try; the difference between failure and success is one more try, and every successful quitter has had to take the plunge. There is a great website called It is an online community of people who have quit smoking and people who want to quit smoking. It can offer your mom a lot of information and she can see that she's not alone, and it doesn't use scare tactics. I can't see enough good things about Quitnet. The information is invaluable and the support from other community members is wonderful. If one is still planning to quit, Quitnet can help with that too.

    I quit only when I started getting mysterious but horrendous chest pains. I was 48 or so, with a terrible family history of heart disease, and last April I had 6 years smoke-free.  

    Congrats to your dad. At 90 days the worst is over for him, even though he may not feel that way just yet. It takes a while to learn new habits so that we are comfortable as non-smokers. But he can do it.

  2. Did you ever think that you are the one who's completely brainwashed, and you're a total PITA to listen to all the time. There's nothing as annoying as a holier-than-thou zealot.  

  3. yeah my mom still smokes after my dad has stoped for like a year.. i take her cigarettes and throw them out the window and stuff... she gets sooooo pisssssed.


  5. Give her a hug - look her in the eyes and say, " Mom, please stop smoking."

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