
How can i get my other cat to like my new kitten?

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my cat died just a lil bit ago. and he was the alfa and originally, a stray and spent most of his time outside in my garage because he didnt get along with my other male cat. however they both got in fights every once in a while. i just got a new kitten who i love very much and is extremely attached to me. he gets along well with my dog but my cat originaly was afraid of the kitten (lol) but now hisses at him.

how can i get them to be friends




  1. Try the information on introducing pets in this link. We had a cat who was an only cat for 7 years, introduced a new cat according to this and had no problems. It takes a little while but works well.  

  2. so whenever he hisses just slap him! and he will learn to stop otherwise he wont know if you try to talk to him in Chinese!

    I mean everyone learns the fastest that way. So the cat hisses, you slap, causes pain on his face/body/wherever, he learns, whenever he hisses, it causes pain!

  3. u put one of ur other cats bedding near the kittens new bed i read about cats and dogs  

  4. Whenever you get a new cat, you should isolate it in a bathroom or bedroom with it's own food, water and litter box for about two weeks.  The original cats should be able to smell the new cat under the door.  You should visit the new cat often and play with it.  After the isolation period, introductions should be taken slow.  Also, the cat you already had is now the alpha cat and is probably a little jealous of the new kitten.  


    ==> how to introduce 2 kitties properly

  6. Is your older cat fixed?  If not, that could solve a lot of your issues since he won't have such a high need for domineering.  And they may never get along.  My older female cat still hates my younger male cat and they've been together 6 years.  They don't fight, but she hisses at him.  She tolerates him, but not much.  You can't get them to like each other.  They are cats, and as such, above our wishes.

  7. well first off I have to tell you about my cat "experience"  I got a cat when I was six and she has been the alpha female since we brought her home.  About 5 years ago my sister got a female kitten.  My cat hisses and swats at her every chance she gets.  A few months ago I got a himalayan/siamese kitten and she is now living with our other two cats.  The alpha female is getting old and doesn't pay them very much attention, they don't get in fights but they don't really hang out.  But my new cat and my sister's cat love each other.  Probably because they are both at the bottom of the totem pole as far as my alpha female is concerned.  Cats seem to prefer to be loners in a household, or atleast that's what i've noticed. It will probably just take some time for your older cat to get used to your younger cat.

    Pushing them on each other definately wont help, i figured that out.  Just let them get to know each other by their smells and actions, eventually the older one will learn to deal with the younger one.

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