
How can i get my parents to allow me to get a moped?

by Guest66031  |  earlier

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My parents are'nt bothered about the price, it's the safety. I haven't asked this question to get people replying saying it's not safe, because they are as safe as the rider is, but they wont know i am safe because they wont let me have one. I am a good rider on dirt bikes, but its the road and other drivers they are concerned about.

I just need persuasive techniques and past expirience you may have.

Thanks ppl




  1. I agree- it's not you, the rider, it's the other @ssholes on the road they're worried about.

    Being that it's late in the season, it may be difficult to find a place by you, but stop by a motorcycle dealer and ask for information about the Motorcycle Safety Foundation's rider safety program. They will teach you how to ride your moped / motorcycle safely, and most states accept the course completion results in lieu of a motorcycle / moped road test.

    I have heard people who started riding, got into an accident, and THEN took the MSF classes, and afterwards, they wished they did it right the first time. The class also counts as a defensive driving class, so you can also get some cash knocked off your insurance premiums, too.

    Tell your parents you're going to take this class, and show them the details. They may be a little more supportive that way.

    Good luck!

  2. Ask them for a pet snake ;)

    Actually, mopeds are pleanty safe as long as you know what your doing, and if your good at predicting traffic patterns.  The most common accident is when somebody pulls out in front of you, because it's hard to judge your speed.  Always wear a helmet, too.  See if you can't come up with an agreement between your parents.  Labor in exchange for a moped.  

    Also find out the gas mileage for the things.  Mopeds are extremely gas-friendly, and if your lucky you'll find an electric version that doesn't use any gas at all.

  3. How much experience do you have bicycling?

    I have bicycled 140,000 miles since 1972.

    I practically invented the electric moped, but I never intended it as a means of transportation, it was only intended to be the pace vehicle for a bicycle race.

    Do you know what a fairing is?

    Put a fairing on your bicycle and you will have extra crash protection.

    You will fool many people into thinking your bicycle is a motorcycle! It's a lot of fun. Some people will yell things like "That's the coolest bike I've ever seen!". Other people will just freak-out.

    After the novelty wears off, get an electric bike.

  4. As a parent I can see why they dont want you to have one and with that said wait and get one when you live on your own.....

  5. I started riding motorcycles when I was 10.  I still have a scar from the first mini-bike I crashed.

    I had a Yoshimura Suzuki that never lost a stoplight race.  I never crashed it.  

    I was done with speed, so I bought a BMW standard.

    But one day a blue-haired woman in a Cadillac pulled out of a driveway and I broadsided her car.  

    It was her fault and her insurance company paid me, but I still broke three vertebrae in my back (two lumbar, one thoracic), dislocated rt shoulder, shattered foot, right femur split lengthwise.

    Money is meaningless.  I can't rock-climb anymore.  I can't ski anymore (I used to work at a ski resort), I can't spelunk anymore and even Disneyland is a challenge because of the pain that increases with every step. What the heck do you do with money?  You can surround yourself with nice things, but those aren't the things you love.

    If you love motorcycles more than anything else, then ride.

    Otherwise, don't.


  6. trust your parents judgement. they know you better than we do.

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